Oregano contains chemicals that might help reduce cough and spasms.

So the main contraindications for the course of chemotherapy are:The attending oncologist after conducting the examinations and examining the results of the analyzes draws conclusions about the effectiveness of the use of chemotherapy or prohibits the use of this method of treatment.The side effects of chemotherapy are the main drawback of this type of treatment.

Chemotherapy can be used as an independent treatment method or applied after or before a surgical procedure. The first type is the treatment of cancer with one drug or monochemotherapy, and the second - treatment with several drugs or polychemotherapy. Under this concept, the survival of the patient from the moment of diagnosis is implied - stage 4 cancer. If the patient suffers from diabetes, obesity or other chronic diseases, then the scheme is selected with extreme caution, taking into account the history.An effective chemotherapy regimen should have the following properties:The chemotherapy regimen can be presented as a combination of drugs, while the effectiveness of such a scheme will be from 30 to 65%.
In these cases, the patient is given hormone therapy. Chemotherapy is selected individually for each patient. Five-year survival rates of patients range from 2-5%. Chemotherapy is carried out in a hospital, under the supervision of an oncologist. At this stage, chemotherapy allows you to destroy part of the metastases. Thus, the chemotherapy procedure will never be prescribed for patients with non-invasive cancer or when the probability of tumor metastasis is very small or absent.

The effectiveness of this type of treatment depends on the stage of cancer, the degree of damage to the body and other individual characteristics of the patient's body.The iLive portal does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.Copyright © 2011 - 2020 iLive.

The most effective drugs in this group are: Methotrexate, Citarabin, 5-fluorouracilThe composition of the drug includes active substances that interact with DNA and destroy cancer cells.

Side-line symptomatology is due to the fact that chemotherapy acts on the entire body, affecting not only cancerous, but also healthy cells of the body.

Chemotherapy is used to relieve the patient's condition, reduce the size of the tumor, which squeezes adjacent organs and tissues, as well as to destroy metastases.In bowel cancer in 4 stages, chemotherapy is used only after palliative surgical treatment. The peculiarity of this disease is that it rapidly progresses, causes inflammation of the caecum, gangrene or perforation. The most popular anticancer drugs from this group are: Cyclophosphan, Embihin, Nitrosourea preparations.Some antibiotics have antitumor activity and effectively destroy cancer cells at different phases of the cell cycle.Drugs block the metabolic processes in cancer cells, which leads to their destruction. Treatment is carried out by cycles that alternate with recovery periods.

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The disease is susceptible to patients with a weakened immune system, the mortality rate for this lesion is 20-40%.Complications of the inflammatory nature, as a rule, appear in patients with a weakened immune system. Destroy the division of cancer cells and destroy them. Of course, the chosen scheme of medicines does not guarantee complete recovery, but it helps to get rid of painful symptoms and slow down the development of cancer cells. Survival of patients is about 5%.Chemotherapy is used to destroy metastases, relieve symptoms of cancer or after surgical manipulation.With this disease, chemotherapy has a positive result. In the process of chemotherapy, it is necessary to exclude from the diet acute dishes, as well as fried and fatty. The patient can determine the effectiveness of treatment and how he feels. 2.
The task of this method is to slow the development of malignant cells in the mammary gland. Chemotherapy can be performed with a single drug, the effectiveness of such treatment will be from 25 to 60%.