CVS Caremark® makes no representations regarding its compliance with applicable legal requirements. endobj CVS Caremark® makes no representations regarding its compliance with applicable legal requirements. ?R���S����u�T��상��]5��}�(M������o?z?�f9;*�t �t������=�7�l���z��LJ�srv 7�t7�β�Gz�lwg~\M^�̟������Tw;٘����?&g�=~��t :�b]�,�2���i*�jՃ-Eئ{�*�бT�0����(MR�f����Smu��A�����U This Preventive Therapy Drug List has been adopted by the referenced health plan. CVS Caremark® makes no representations regarding its compliance with applicable legal requirements. away for all medications on the CVS Caremark® Preventive Drug List. In addition, all drugs for diabetes, including insulin and diabetes supplies, are covered at 100% (subject to Value Formulary coverage). The Preventive Therapy Drug List should be modified as necessary or desired by the plan sponsor based on the advice of the plan sponsor’s counsel.

�h$��1���u�*�&�L����� !-��Ɵ"�ΑY�1T��*D��%�.�ѻ���p��!�� zO�,���b��ԏ pp�� �|�n���wI��:|]>j�J�q��$0�� �:�Qm��[�~����{������Z#8� Preferred Drug List: The CVS Caremark® Performance/Preferred Drug List is a guide within select therapeutic categories for clients, plan members, and health care providers.

endobj The Preventive Therapy Drug List should be modified as necessary or desired by the plan sponsor based on the advice of the plan sponsor’s counsel. CVS Caremark is committed to helping you get the most effective medications at the best price and keeping access to prescription medications affordable. This Preventive Therapy Drug List has been adopted by the referenced health plan. ���KW���)��z7p���\..��~c7��n^�����D�9A�S)��hV%u%����R%����X�=I��2�x��P�)�9T��I(��9��� 1��P����ž0*z�#�qخ]G�R����C�k7�X�;�7��l���H��6w�o����2�ƕ����8��ڑ� %PDF-1.5 The Preventive Therapy Drug List should be modified as necessary or desired by the plan sponsor based on the advice of the plan sponsor’s counsel.

You’ll pay 20% of the cost of most preventive medications and there will be no cost to you for generic medicines on this list. The Preventive Therapy Drug List should be modified as necessary or desired by the plan sponsor based on the advice of the plan sponsor’s counsel. This Preventive Therapy Drug List has been adopted by the referenced health plan.

This Preventive Therapy Drug List has been adopted by the referenced health plan. Preferred Drug List.

4 0 obj %���� Generics should be considered first line of prescribing. The Preventive Therapy Drug List should be modified as necessary or desired by the plan sponsor based on the advice of the plan sponsor’s counsel. 3 0 obj 106-39360A 090716 <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 792 612] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> If you have any ®questions you can call CVS Caremark , 1-866-209-6093, 24 hours a day/7 days per week This Preventive Therapy Drug List has been adopted by the referenced health plan. <> <> Drug Lists. 1 0 obj �7|@����s��a��nIh�1Z��PBN5Y�������5��A�oN�^8uJ�}i]� ɻd��j�[�C�� �ɔl��xZ~1�@�7�˪.�gcd��Қ��]�W���[���Z��c���yk�ydDs%x��zoʢ~������Xe?o!���q/vF�a�!x�8*�TZ�~5�K|�4ߤR^��0��5-�X���ut;�I���o���#gB���Bc��HL�d.��I�}��.��G,���I�#Lc%�E��%��5�g��;Lߓ2\��p�.8a��jа�'"قݺ����&۸�/ݒu{�$L� �a"V��NH�--������0�N���0���ť/)`B��,���x�O�$��&�|_I#>-f�c��S�#��w9��hQi��C���vıc�ñ(��U]3�K��u|�1< �z��)B&d�\xE����b @��F��1W�$��O` Compound Exclusion List. CVS Caremark® makes no representations regarding its compliance with applicable legal requirements. 2 0 obj

106-39360A 090716 CVS Caremark ® makes no representations regarding its compliance with applicable legal requirements. Why are generic medications so widely used? Formulary Exclusions Requiring Medical Necessity. stream endobj CVS Caremark® makes no representations regarding its compliance with applicable legal requirements.

The Preventive Therapy Drug List should be modified as necessary or desired by the plan sponsor based on the advice of the plan sponsor’s counsel. x��=�n7���������A @�%�:�ck��u�a�Is"�̎FJ|>�|�aU��bwW�x���p���H��b��>>��W����믏O�����r1y|�������vy�f~�Z���������}��/����ɓgO'O�?:~�&*Or]L�. <>>> This Preventive Therapy Drug List has been adopted by the referenced health plan. �B��6����#]ӫ�L�f\M�-\�O���5\��� F�c͵F�&o+'�.�~�i}�+�nkO��@� ��O ��u1��ÑH�6��U�oG�L8x��ta��X�k'��t ��ƏV1�q8�z��uzi 2XØ')�(���Ă(���j�׶@�6�N9e�Tܰ� ����Y�I�fR�Q�GW�V،(�/�ǜ�B�㔏�3E�YS���Ј��g&�_�GO��m`�z5��F;�z�Ѐ�,���v��מ��[*��v�M; List of Preventive Drugs for HSA. 106-46784A 011720