The head is wiped by putting your hands at the front of the hairline and bringing them to the back of your head, then bringing them back to where you started. The above hadith is a treasure of wisdom. Abu Malik Al-Ashari (RA) reported that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: We have to perform Ghusl (bath) to clean our bodies.

But even if things appear very difficult, with patience, we can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Religion Islam greatly emphasis both physical and spiritual cleanliness and purification that’s why Muslims throughout the world have extremely high standards of personal hygiene.

The first way is to understand it as a way of expressing a likeness between two things, so prayer is not actually a light but very similar to it. Thus, the world in many ways is struggling to contain one of the deadliest pandemics since the Spanish flu of 1918.The controversy in some quarters of the Muslim public sphere, where people have either minimized the public health threat posed by Covid-19 or indulged in conspiracy theories about the nature of the pandemic, many groups and individuals on the other hand accepted the reality of the pandemic but refuse to comply with the restrictions on public worship and mass religious gatherings on theological grounds, arguing that the pandemic is just another test God imposes on believers. And when he was finished he said "I saw the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w) doing wudu as I … For our belief and obedience Allah (swt) promises us nothing short of Paradise. and the ways of cleanliness as our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught us. Purity is Half of Faith. Purity, or taharah, implies the prayer which is the greatest form of outward submission. The Prophetic traditions of Muhammad (pbuh) support this.Infection control in Islam includes isolation and quarantine – the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) instructed his followers not to travel to places known to be infected with an infectious disease and advised those in contaminated area or  communities not to leave, to avoid spreading it elsewhere.In January 2020, China closed transit to and from Wuhan to contain the coronavirus outbreak. When it is said that each part must be washed once, it is implied that that particular part of the body must be washed thoroughly at least once. In that hadith the actual word used in Arabic is “tahara” which means “purity.” And by purity or tahara, we are headed in two directions: 1) Inner tahara. Images courtesy of (Photo courtesy:, . After saying “Purity is half of Faith” then it mentions the importance of “Zikr Allah” Which Allah says in Quran: 13:28 “Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of Allah: for without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction. All Rights Reserved I will outline here briefly the different opinions as they all have important reminders to offer us InshaAllah.1) This means that the reward for purification is up to half the reward for faith. A jewel on our bookshelves.

Hadith on Nikah: Marriage is half of the religion Abu Amina Elias April 16, 2013 Bounty النعمة Community الجماعة Family Ties صلة الرحم Godfearing التقوى Manners الادب … This interpretation is based on the Quranic ayah:The Prophet Muhammad (s) stated that the prayer is a ‘light’, but he (s) did not confine this to any particular type of light, he (s) left the statement open.
Illuminating the Path to Paradise.In this part of the hadith the Prophet (s) described charity as a So why has the Prophet (s) called charity a ‘proof’? In other words, the reward for cleanliness and purification is so great that it could reach a level in reward equal to half of that for having faith.2) Faith wipes away all of the previous sins that were committed before it. Having clean and pure thinking, avoiding sins, making a lot of dhikrs and most importantly making sure the heart is pure of spiritual affliction such as anger, hatred, relying on other people than Allah, pride, arrogance, etc. And have a clean body? A Muslim starts his/her day with ablution, which is an excellent practice for limiting the spread of germs.As stated in the Holy Quran, ablution includes washing all exposed parts of the body including hands, feet, face, mouth and nose. Obaid S. Thursday, September 19 2019 . This is similar to Allah’s (swt) statement:If a person turns to the Qur’an with belief, and seeking guidance, it is a healing and a mercy for them.
The importance of wudu, having knowledge regarding it and performing it correctly, is proven by the fact that it is a precondition of Salah, and without it our Salah is invalid. Each of our daily actions therefore, either leads us towards the freedom of Paradise, or the destruction of Hellfire. These are the two parts of faith. Prayer is a light, charity is proof, and patience is illumination. Please join me.