English and Spanish are very close in structure that the main issue is learning the words. Each Spanish flashcard contains the text and audio of the word in your chosen base language (English by default), along with an illustration, Spanish text and audio pronunciation. 5.1 Tradiciones Y Costumbres (English To Spanish) : Colors, Communication, Days of the Week, Expressions, False Spanglish, Greetings, Household Things, Key Words, Months of the Year & Seasons, Precious Stones, Spanglish & Special Occasions. Brainscape. 6.3 El Patrimonio Musical Y Su Diversidad (English To Spanish) 0000073621 00000 n للأعمار من 3 أعوام فأكبر Our mission is to create a smarter world by simplifying and accelerating the learning process.

In a future update we may add both versions.

Learn faster with spaced repetition. Study Spanish to english flash cards.

Plus I show you 31 ways to make 3013 Spanish …

Spanish Numbers 1-20 Flash Cards: Print out these free Spanish flashcards so kids can learn their Spanish numbers. If you want to communicate with me in English or Spanish with questions, suggestions or anything I can help you on your journey to learn Spanish my email is [email protected]. 0000070110 00000 n Saludos Marcus Santamaria www.how-to-speak.com P.S. My book Shortcut to Spanish teaches you 132 of the most frequently used Spanish words with mnemonics. 0000072202 00000 n Brainscape is a web and mobile study platform that helps you learn things faster. Perfect for learning new vocabulary. Perfect for learning new vocabulary. 0000033261 00000 n

0000068659 00000 n 1.3 La Influencia De La Católica (English To Spanish) 08/03/41 For example, if you’re a native Chinese speaker, you’ll be able to see Chinese phrases on the front side of your flashcards instead of English. Brainscape is a web and mobile study platform that helps you learn things faster. Are you spanish and want to know some english? - This app is part of the "Study Whatty" series. © 2020 Bold Learning Solutions. use these flashcards to help you study for your next quiz! 6.3 El Patrimonio Musical Y Su Diversidad (Spanish To English) 2.1 La Influencia De Internet (English To Spanish) \\n\\n BASIC: Adjectives -oa -a -os -as, Adjective Unisex, Adverbs, Adverbs Multi-Word, Adverbs + de, Alphabet, Pronouns, Pronunciation & Questions. 0000073643 00000 n English and Spanish are very close in structure that the main issue is learning the words. 0000070805 00000 n 1.1 Los Cambios En La Familia (English To Spanish) 2.3 Las Redes Sociales: Beneficos Y Peligros (English To Spanish) Therefore the set of English Spanish flashcards covering 716 English nouns has 810 cards. 0000074713 00000 n The price is reduced now as it's just flash cards, but if there other games do get added, then the price will go up. These are specially designed flash cards to speed up your rate of learning.

0000001147 00000 n احصل على هذا التطبيق عند تسجيل الدخول في حساب Microsoft الخاص بك وقم بتثبيته على ما يصل إلى عشرة من أجهزة Windows 10 الخاصة بك. The sticky-back flash card series was made so the user can stick the flash cards up all over the house or office, so they are forced to look at the cards and adopt the vocabulary. Here is why Spanish flashcards are so great for helping you learn Spanish: Flashcards are super easy to make and use: It does not matter if you download a set of ready-to-learn flashcards or you make your own, they all work the same simple way.

We will use a combination of english and spanish words to stimulate your learning, thus enabling you to learn faster and memorize the words permanently. 110 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 112 /H [ 1147 660 ] /L 172971 /E 74944 /N 31 /T 170652 >> endobj xref 110 36 0000000016 00000 n Start studying Spanish to English. 0000072180 00000 n 0000032177 00000 n 193.9 ميغابايت Study 2.3 (Spanish - English) flashcards from Izzy Crisswell's Loughborough High School class online, or in Brainscape's iPhone or Android app. 2.1 La Influencia De Internet (English To Spanish) 0000017665 00000 n If it so happened that I did not include some word(s) used in your country, you are welcome to send me a message, and I will create the card with the term preferred in your dialect of Spanish. 0000074310 00000 n They teach you to repeat the words over and over and over until you memorize them. If you have a few minutes to spare (on the train, on a bus, at a doctor's office or during a television commercial break), then practice off a few phrases. Spanish Number of the Day: A printable so students can focus on one Spanish number a day. The difference happens when there are two vowels together such as, "Puerto". 6.3 El Patrimonio Musical Y Su Diversidad (Spanish To English) They are broken off into groups to make it a lot easier. 0000001071 00000 n So what do schools do? 0000069260 00000 n Spanish to English language flashcards. 0000031996 00000 n ومن خلال متابعة استعراض هذا الموقع، فأنت توافق على ذلك الاستخدام. Also included is an enlarged set of these cards that you can post. You can look at the "Study Whatty: Poker Drills" app we did for some of the other games that the engine supports. 2.2 Los Móviles Inteligentes En Nuestra Sociedad (English To Spanish) 0000018062 00000 n