Exercising is a must, as well as having a really strict diet and making sure you're getting enough of all your nutrients, perfect your sleep schedule and don't take any mind altering drugs and you'll feel a lot like an adderall high. Stay smart!If you have ADHD and you took adderall and it felt as though a " fog was lifting" then the adderall worked for its intended purpose. He was mindlessly clicking through slides for hours with just enough sticking to get by. This includes: URLs, markets, PMs, etc. He felt so good about what he was doing in a way and so artificially confident that he was being effective, he just dismissed any criticism (or worse, saw it as evidence the person was "against him") and kept on trucking. But you wouldn't say a diabetic is dependent on insulin injectins...no... they need insulin injections. Some people asked me if I was high because even if I'm always sociable, I was "way too happy". It takes a while to adapt to the new norm, but if you're correcting a genuine deficit, then I don't think it's worth agonizing over too deeply.I have a methylphenidate prescription but I only take it on an as needed basis as even with memantine I still experience noticeable after effects like lethargy, depression amd general mental slowness. And repeat. Any activities, foods, supplements, etc. The effects were a bit too much recreationnal to be practical though.Now the stupid thing I did: thinking I couldn't get any more euphoric than this, I thought that taking another 10mg would only help me be more focused. save hide report.
More days off is better, naturally.If you're ever overstimulated drink an EmergenC and you will start coming down quickly.There's nothing like Adderall that works as well and as long, but if you are dumb it can easily ruin you for years. 5mg seems to be the sweet spot where I have increased motivation, can still creatively think, and feel somewhat normal. not magnesium oxide).
Some people with ADD never find something that's helpful and/or tolerable. After that it's all mind games, take note of your thought process high and try to mimic it while sober.
That was a terrible move on my part, but I don't have any more pills and no dealer can get you adderall where I live (Europe), so I should be fineIs speed the same thing as adderall at low doses, though?Alright this is debatable. They're kinda similar to caffeine withdrawals but without the headache.I'm currently prescribed 15mg of dexamphetamine a day. Anyway I go to class and it was alright.
However, my ability to focus and manage time is next to nonexistent has been the largest source of conflict in my life. 1h later I'm a fucking smiling vegetable.
I want it to last forever, but I don't want to have to rely on a drug, especially one that I can build a tolerance for. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services.
I woke up this morning to a wall of text from my main account pouring out my life story on a board I only visit maybe once a month. He became more socially disconnected and certainly a terrible homemaker.If you use this kind of stimulant, use it with a purpose, understand what it's doing, think of it as a "non-sober" state that must be analysed in the cold light of day. I could smoke 5 cigarettes in a row and still enjoy it. In the span of a month I had used 75% of the script. Having taken mostly depressants before I started Adderall (to treat a brain injury) I was surprised by the intensity of the come-down when I first started.
I have been regularly taking amphetamines the last couple of months to help me get schoolwork done and I used to take 10mg and I was way to twacked. And fuck. Sounds like you might.But stimulant medications help everyone, not just those with ADHD. You won't experience bruxism (shit fucking hurts!) By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.
I suspect he was right but I decided to stop taking it since I didn't want to deal with the other minor side effects getting worse (dry mouth, dry skin etc. ADHD is almost universally misunderstood by those who don't have it and most who do, so I wouldn't listen to anyone's "expertise" on the subject in this sub. I might just have a really low tolerance to amphetamines thoughMy first time with amphetamines was a 60mg of vyvanse. It’s harmful in the long run.