I’ve been taking for 3 weeks. Probably not a healthy thing to do, lol. Cravings can be common. But I’ve read a few accounts of transwomen becoming attracted to men after starting HRT. Deep joy.
Dosage recommendations and notes, unless otherwise noted, are also from Asscheman and Gooren. Love and Best Wishes Christine B.I’ve been on htr (estradiol valerate injections spironolactone and finasteride for about 14 months and Yes I have experienced all of the above to various degrees and l couldn’t be more happy in my life, I didn’t have to go to a shrink ether just planned parenthood no problems, anyway the biggest, best and most unexpected side effect was an unconditional desire to stop smoking and drinking alcohol, an unbelievable life saving blessing, it cured my anxiety and addictions a straight up miracle, I’d had over a dozen bad run in’s with the law prior to transitioning, and now because I’ve changed into a beautiful, gentle, loving, understanding, focused, motivated angel being, blessed by god himself, I can finally live life to the fullest, I’ve never been closer to my family, children friends and my creatorHi I’m hayley and I’m transgender and all o can say is that cold I don’t like but I’m proud of who I amHello, and thank you to everyone above who has shared and been honest. MTF Transgender 16yo (Hrt since 18/5/4) 1 year ago. One thing I can say for sure that I’ve never even heard anyone claim let alone have evidence of is losing height or for that matter hand or foot size. It’s that simple.Understood! Great photo timeline, you have a smile that radiates your inner happiness. This is officially the last picture of me ever with a beard.May 2015. 2,000,000+ projects planned here, get a free trial now and keep yours running smoothly The top 10 unexpected effects of MTF HRT. Mtf hrt effects timeline. xxxI’ve been on hormones for a year now, I’ve lost more then an inch or two in height, my hands are significantly smaller as are my feet.
Especially if you’re not into guys.Which brings us nicely on to sexuality. After about 5 minutes I called my toenails to here attention. I have been on massive amounts of Phytoestrogens now for 8 months.
Might be time to start using my little bottle of almond oil on them to keep them supple.Where I’m from, we have a word for people who feel the cold more than most: nesh. And, seeing as I’m about to start my own HRT next month, I thought I’d see if there was anything else that may be in store but doesn’t get talked about quite so much.And the internet is full of anecdotal evidence from transwomen reporting other symptoms of MTF HRT. You’ll also lose a shed load of strength. Do not assume anything when starting hormones. 10 responses to “Transition Timeline – 15 months HRT” trixwoodz.
Lol but I don’t care. It’s awesome! I work sunglasses so I could keep an eye out for reactions. Its Ironic that all of the items I found worked for symptoms menopausal women have. save hide report. Met my current girlfriend.November 2016 – 15th month of HRT. The rest is all true from my experience, the skin changes, change in body oder, etc. Including a testosterone blocker: About 3 days. I felt so on point that day.September 2016 – 13th month of HRT. Do you have a good list/timeline with all effects of HRT? But add a little estrogen to your system and chocolate becomes a drug, helping ease stress, combat fatigue and just make you feel awesome. I retort comments privately with my beliefs. She went on to chat for about 4 hours. I have a new set point for a regular 6 month doctor check in but I am currently in the best health I have ever been in including my teen age years.
I am just in about 5 months and have had some profound changes myself, but I am stunned!Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Be well. A huge step,was going to the public pool with my 9 year old son and his female 9 year old friend. Got my name legally changed!May 2016 – 9th month of HRT. See more ideas about Mtf hrt, Mtf, Transgender mtf.
Breast growth for example can start anywhere between even 1 week and few months. Sounds like you’re taking baby steps, just like I have been for the past few years.
92% Upvoted. At least my voice won’t break this time – and I won’t start growing a shit beard.There ya go! but don’t expect to just loose all you body hair without help. Probably not enough that they’d go off girls, but it might flick a bisexual/pansexual switch in some people.Some transwomen report that their sense of taste changes – they might go off foods that they’d always eaten before and start to like those that they’d previously avoided. You need to see an endocrinologist. As someone who’s very “nesh”, I can’t say I’m looking forward to being even colder! Score on for my fears diminishing.
Usually it decreases, but not always.