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The operation that you have selected will move away from the current results page, your download options will not persist.Please click "Confirm" if you are happy to lose these search results.Arrange 999 ambulance transfer for anyone with suspected epiglottitis, so that the epiglottis can be examined where there is capacity to carry out immediate...Arrange hospital admission if the person has: Stridor.Evidence-based recommendations on tonsillectomy (removing tonsils) using laser to cut tonsils and seal blood vessels
Diagnosis and Screening a. Watchful Waiting for Recurrent Throat Infection i. Clinicians should recommend watchful waiting for recurrent throat infection if there have been fewer than 7 episodes in the past year or …
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Evidence-based recommendations on hypoglossal nerve stimulation for moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnoea in adults Everything NICE has said on perioperative care in adults in an interactive flowchart.
Arranging specialist assessment for people with recurrent tonsillitis (a frequency of more than 7 episodes per year for one year, 5 per year for 2 years, or 3 per year for 3 years) as they may benefit from tonsillectomy.
Evidence-based recommendations on tonsillectomy (removing tonsils) using laser to cut tonsils and seal blood vessels
NICE advice
ing tonsillectomy for their children, highlighting the manage-ment options for patients with modifying factors, and reducing inappropriate or unnecessary variations in care. Due to the limitations of oximetry this document refers to...
NB. Guidance
Tonsillectomy using ultrasonic scalpel - guidance (IPG178) Source: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence - NICE - 28 June 2006 Evidence-based recommendations on tonsillectomy (removing tonsils) using ultrasonic scalpel (high-energy waves to cut tonsils and stop bleeding)
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Guidance category
Sections for NG36. The guideline includes recommendations on preparing for surgery, keeping people safe during surgery and pain relief during recovery.
that antibiotics, although prescribed to reduce bacterial burden post (10)
Advice category
It covers all phases of perioperative care, from the time people are booked for surgery until they are discharged afterward.
PREGNANCY AND BIRTH Established procedure 490 / 1 Diathermy for
I. Everything NICE has said on ear, nose and throat conditions in an interactive flowchart Document Type
Medtech innovation briefings
Children aged 1 to 18 years under consideration for tonsil-lectomy are the target patient for the guideline. This guideline covers routine preoperative tests for people aged over 16 who are having elective surgery.
NICE guidelines
This consensus guideline covers the practice of paediatric overnight oximetry studies for obstructive sleep apnoea in Australasia. Indications for Tonsillectomy in Children II.
Last 6 months
NICE Pathways
funding for tonsillectomy will only be routinely approved when the above criteria have been met (see Priorities Forum Statement Tonsillectomy in Adults and Children) RED FLAGS and reasons for immediate admission - see pathway * NB: Centor criteria should be used to guide antibiotic therapy (Centor score 3 or 4 antibiotics may be required).
Clinical guidelines
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Best Practice Guideline . Evidence-based recommendations on electrosurgery (diathermy and coblation) for tonsillectomy (surgery to remove the tonsils)
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