0000537371 00000 n
e. Using techniques such as boldface and colour differences to reduce the confusion associated with the use of LASA names on labels, storage bins and 0000022407 00000 n 28 0 obj <> endobj xref 28 151 0000000016 00000 n 0000013430 00000 n 0000081851 00000 n 0000575670 00000 n 0000551051 00000 n 0000560969 00000 n 0000028552 00000 n Find Drugs Pill Identifier Find Drug Company Country. 0000086758 00000 n
0000006648 00000 n 0000022269 00000 n 0000513768 00000 n 0000010122 00000 n 0000492832 00000 n 0000093460 00000 n Hyoscine Butylbromide 20 mg/ml Inj. 0000021483 00000 n 0000070799 00000 n 0000147429 00000 n associated with LASA medications by: d. Storing problem medications in separate locations or in non-alphabetical order, such as by bin number, on shelves, or in automated dispensing devices.
0000579575 00000 n 0000013855 00000 n 0000070580 00000 n 0000575900 00000 n
0000015842 00000 n 0000133448 00000 n 0000028803 00000 n 0000146534 00000 n 0000539905 00000 n 0000147380 00000 n 0000511188 00000 n 0000028484 00000 n 0000537954 00000 n 0000009058 00000 n 0000104027 00000 n 0000540587 00000 n 0000111806 00000 n 0000001290 00000 n 0000048612 00000 n 0000019454 00000 n 0000010544 00000 n 0000008769 00000 n 0000578941 00000 n xڜ�MhA�ߙM6�lv���4��?Z�&ML[�H�AL��C� �"��2E��ImA��fA�Xr�R("J%�{�A� ��x�o>x�w��@ef`'�[rB�� ��\�m�8�6�Z:������6�H��]���l��������D»����;8�L��C�`[�U������۸�����H4��ܛ�>mv�b�o��I�?�ϣ����=02���֕�*���?ԿaH�MK�m�tz|�0hH�9�{ �z�� ��x���3 0000560904 00000 n 0000003963 00000 n 0000493219 00000 n cines with LASA names in all storage areas; including both the brand name and nonproprietary name on medication orders to provide redundancy; and using “tall man” (mixed case) letter-ing (e.g. 0000081500 00000 n 0000073877 00000 n 0000553944 00000 n Ranitidine 50 mg/2 ml Inj.
0000048335 00000 n 0000022539 00000 n 0000560518 00000 n 0000014956 00000 n 0000579541 00000 n 0000478460 00000 n 0000015590 00000 n 0000554159 00000 n %PDF-1.6 %���� 0000530584 00000 n 0000007706 00000 n 0000529714 00000 n 0000493284 00000 n 0000087670 00000 n 0000531847 00000 n
0000019016 00000 n 0000014017 00000 n
0000531035 00000 n sound-alike and look-alike drugs. 0000576085 00000 n 0000561085 00000 n 0000121382 00000 n 0000074000 00000 n 0000544153 00000 n 0000082068 00000 n 0000109469 00000 n 0000530176 00000 n 0000081525 00000 n 0000013320 00000 n 0000018992 00000 n
0000034900 00000 n 0000554389 00000 n 0000015566 00000 n
0000008915 00000 n 0000003316 00000 n 0000108981 00000 n 0000493400 00000 n 0000579006 00000 n 0000579122 00000 n 0000019149 00000 n 0000532180 00000 n 0000493942 00000 n 0000103749 00000 n 0000579756 00000 n Environmental factors work environment or within the workflow process, such as drug storage, environmental distractions, drug shortage, etc. LASA injections Drug Name With Tall Man Letters Confused With cefOTAXime CefTAZIDime cefTAZIDime CefOTAXime, cefTRIAXone cefTRIAXone CeFAZolin DOBUTamine DOPamine DOPamine DOBUTamine PANcuronium ROcuronium ROcuronium PANcuronium LOOK-ALIKE MEDICATION Inj. 0000530249 00000 n 0000093259 00000 n
0000575571 00000 n 0000034968 00000 n 0000561158 00000 n LASA drugs- Same brand name, dif ferent composition, different country 0000575605 00000 n 0000530657 00000 n 0000004886 00000 n 0000554462 00000 n 0000537623 00000 n 0000553601 00000 n (Rev Feb 2018 Admin Policies 16.31 Appendix D, 16.30 Appendix A) 1 Look Alike & Sound Alike Drugs To prevent medication errors involving drugs that may look alike or sound alike, consider the following practices: Medication Ordering Distinguishing Medications By: Medication Administration/Storage:
0000016568 00000 n 0000070648 00000 n 0000578907 00000 n 0000088113 00000 n 0000478657 00000 n 0000144497 00000 n