0000000016 00000 n The new antiepileptic drugs (AEDs)-felbamate, gabapentin, lamotrigine, tiagabine, topiramate, vigabatrin and oxcarbazepine-have demonstrated superior efficacy for some with refractory epilepsy. Population pharmacokinetic models are usually limited to a subgroup of patients, which may mask the identification of factors contributing to interindividual variability. Likewise, adhering to recommended dosing guidelines can minimise the risk of lamotrigine-associated rash. The first attempt to re-increase the dose resulted in reappearance of the rash which again disappeared on dose reduction. Since lamotrigine is also used for the treatment of bipolar disorder, new or worsening mental health problems could be seen if it is stopped quickly. It is suggested that patients who experience a rash but good therapeutic response to lamotrigine might be considered for re-dosing.Product license applications for lamotrigine have been filed or approved in more than 50 countries throughout the world. xref

This study suggests that placebo controlled studies are warranted to appraise the extent to which anticonvulsant drugs modify a generally favourable prognosis for seizure disorders in the elderly and to adequately define the benefit-risk ratio of such drugs.Lamotrigine is a novel antiepileptic that, although its mechanism is not completely understood, appears to affect voltage-activated sodium channels, resulting in inhibition of the presynaptic release of the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Moreover, there is no consensus on the most appropriate way to diagnose or manage epilepsy in this population. A multidisciplinary group worked on epilepsy of the elderly to elaborate an electro-clinical score which aims to help establish the diagnosis of epilepsy in elderly patients in different clinical settings.

Using logistical regression, 2 simplified models were developed, the first with 13 criteria (Se 85.5%, Sp 90.1%), and the second with 7 criteria only (Se 84.8%, Sp 88.6%). Significance With some exceptions, lamotrigine has relatively few clinically relevant drug interactions, a characteristic important in reducing safety risks, especially among patients who require polytherapy.

Prior to the Sole Supply Decision, three brands of lamotrigine were funded, one of which was Logem. Data are limited on the use of the newer AEDs--gabapentin, lamotrigine, topiramate, and tiagabine--in older patients. This report reviews the current literature on all aspects of epilepsy in older people. Two studies specifically dealing with lamotrigine treatment of epilepsy in the elderly were reviewed in detail. New AEDs may be cost effective only in patients who are not able to tolerate or who are resistant to older compounds or when the use of an older drug is contraindicated. 0000005367 00000 n like you son it was a long process een thoug i still have seizures sometimes , these are more safety medice that the one i was taken before . Lamotrigine is currently used by approximately 12,500 people in New Zealand. In conclusion, all these five antiepileptic drugs are useful in treating refractory localization related epilepsy.Interruption of oral drug administration poses a significant clinical problem for antiepileptic drugs that have no parenteral formulation. The development of new antiepileptic drugs has incited to perform specific studies in this population. Five LTG patients tolerated 700 mg/day for 1 week. Patients were mainly referred for a transient focal deficit (40%), confusion (38%), unconsciousness (27%).

In addition, the older AEDs have a lot of Lamotrigine, used in combination with other AEDs in patients who have drug-resistant focal epilepsy can decrease the frequency of seizures further.