Instant results, no registration required. Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders – Fourth Edition).
Disclaimer: The following anxiety test was designed as an informal guideline only; it is not intended to provide You can take this free online two-minute anxiety disorder test quiz and get instant results to find out. Anxiety currently afflicts more than 20 million Americans, making it the most common mental illness in the US.

The higher your score, the more likely you are to be experiencing depression and/or anxiety. checking the oven is off, locking doors, washing hands, counting, repeating words) Below is a list of questions that relate to life experiences common among people who have been diagnosed with social anxiety disorder (social phobia).

Please read each question carefully, and indicate how often you have experienced the same or similar challenges in the past few months.Enter your email below to receive the free Psycom mental health eNewsletter.

Always consult your doctor about your medical conditions. Discover whether you suffer from an anxiety disorder with this scientific anxiety test that screens for anxiety disorders. Wondering if you have an anxiety disorder or just normal anxiety? Please read each question … It … classification of anxiety disorders used by mental health professionals known as the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Often, it is so bad that they avoid receiving injections and/or having a blood sample taken. For a definitive diagnosis, it is always best to see a This test is based on the official classification of anxiety disorders used by mental health … Keep in mind that all questions have a preselected answer. Your answers and results are completely confidential and we don’t store any of your information. This test is based on the official (i.e. Find out if you're too anxious with this anxiety test. Email Address * Online Therapy. Group Therapy. Test for Social Anxiety. Take this short 20 question anxiety disorder quiz to see if you have an anxiety disorder. For a definitive diagnosis, it is always best to see a professional mental health doctor, and then get a second opinion.This test is based on the official classification of anxiety disorders used by mental health professionals known as the DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders – Fourth Edition).

Disclaimer: The following anxiety test was designed as an informal guideline only; it is not intended to provide a definitive diagnosis of any disease or disorder. Disclaimer: The following test was designed as an informal guideline only; it is not intended to provide a definitive diagnosis of any disease or disorder. Below is a list of questions that relate to life experiences common among people who have been diagnosed with a social anxiety disorder (social phobia).
… Top 10 Top 10 Feelings Social Anxiety … a definitive diagnosis of any disease or disorder. professional mental health doctor, and then get a second opinion. Remedy Health Media & PsyCom do not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Sign up to receive an 8-part series of emails providing you with moments of therapy from the first 8 sessions of Overcoming Social Anxiety: Step by Step. For a definitive diagnosis, it is always best to see a professional mental health doctor, and then get a second opinion. Take this social anxiety test to determine if you meet the diagnostic criteria for social anxiety disorder (social phobia) Could you be suffering from social anxiety disorder (social phobia)? (This information is not designed to replace a physician's independent judgment about the appropriateness or risks of a procedure for a given patient. After taking the test, you can print the results for your records or to give to your GP. Go through each question and answer it according to how you truly feel. Use of this website is conditional upon your acceptance of our User Agreement.© 2020 Remedy Health Media, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDDo you experience intense anxiety or worry and find it difficult to control?Does worry or anxiety make you feel fatigued or irritable?Does worry or anxiety interfere with your sleep or ability to concentrate?Do you experience repetitive and persistent thoughts that are upsetting and unwanted?Do you experience strong fear that causes panic, shortness of breath, chest pains, a pounding heart, sweating, shaking, nausea, dizziness, and/or fear of dying?Do you ever avoid places or social situations for fear of this panic?Do you ever engage in repetitive behaviors to manage your worry?