(1) Studies have shown that there was a significant decrease in the frequency of hot flashes and night sweats when oral Hormone Replacement Therapy was utilized. Offering significantLos Angeles Women HGH Cost Women of Los Angeles California can save on prescription medical therapies legally and safely with a top female age managementHGH Cost Denver, CO Residents of Colorado can save on prescription medical therapies legally and safely through one of our international treatment centers. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is “A safer, more natural alternative to synthetic progestin.” (International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding). That small difference can make a big impact on patients who take progesterone therapy. Anti-Aging and Wellness is your trusted source for medical tourism.


But when it comes to selecting which path to take, compounded hormones can most definitely help individualize your treatment plan.

In men, this is a direct result of increased estrogen relative to testosterone production in the body. During menopause, it is estradiol that decreases. (As we grow, our hormone levels grow right along with us, increasing during puberty, peaking in our late 20s, plateauing in our 30s, and naturally waning into our 40s.

An alternative to synthetic hormones is bioidentical hormone therapy. The Difference Between Bioidentical Progesterone and Synthetic Progestins. That said, there are usually other hormones like estrogen and possibly even a very small amount of testosterone optimization.

Another “All Natural” form of HRT is derived from urine that comes from pregnant horses. Both provide a counterbalance to estrogen that helps protect the uterus from a constant estrogen barrage. When she’s not helping people live their bliss, you can find Arv snapping photos, practicing yoga or sipping a coffee.Due to Covid-19, all appointments are being done through virtual care including telephone and telemedicine for all new and existing clients.BioIdentical Hormones For Women: The Difference Between Bioidentical and Synthetic HormonesVarying depending on age and life stage, Bioidentical Hormones For Women has been the stepping stone for many females wanting to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Some estrogens are less potent and exhibit less estrogenic effects such as estriol (E3) compared to E2. Postgraduate Medicine, 2009; 121(1): 1-12. Offering significantWhy is HGH So Expensive In California? Essentially, the hormone can assist men and women in their effort to become more active, sexually satisfied, energized, and live a more healthful life.

Bioidentical progesterone on the other hand, has the opposite effect in which it converts potent estrogens into less toxic metabolites (6). Transdermal routes are favored due to the low side effect profile. Offering significantLouisville HGH Costs Residents of Louisville can save on prescription medical therapies legally and safely through one of our international treatment centers. In women, who also lose estrogen in menopause, the overall effect of testosterone loss is a hormonal imbalance.Testosterone can help achieve muscular definition and tone, aid in fat metabolism, and increase libido. 2002;9:253–263.Various topics in functional and integrative medicine that I'm really passionate about, and commonly present to me in my practice.

Many of the negative misconceptions about hormone replacement therapy come from studies conducted on non-bioidentical forms of HRT. Your health matters. Since the body cannot convert yams directly into natural hormones, the plants must be processed by a special compounding pharmacy.

Maturitas. Treat it with care.IMPORTANT! Furthermore, the cancer scare surrounding hormones such as estrogen fueled the natural hormone industry’s growth. We don’t take the risk of your health and well-being. 17β estradiol products on the market include oral, patches, troches, suppositories, cream, gels (all yam based)Progesterone comes as oral, liquid, troches or cream (yam based, no peanut oil)Can be compounded into precise specific doses based on what the patient needs.Can then be further customized for patients based on whether they have any specific allergies.Necessary when a clinician wants to prescribe hormones in combinations, doses, or preparations (such as lozenges or suppositories) not routinely available.Not authorized or regulated by Health Canada because there are no evidenced based clinical trials done on these. (8) British Menopause Society. These natural-occurring hormones are estradiol (E2), estrone (E1), estriol (E3), progesterone (P4), testosterone, and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) — all of which are made naturally in the human body. As the wave of all-natural, organic products became more well known, primarily due to media hype and celebrity endorsements, the boom for hormones was no different. © 2020 All rights reserved.

The information contained herein is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.Copyright 2020 Florida Health & Wellness Institute | designed by Schedule a consultation with Dr. Peláez to get started. They are 2 very similar words, but from a hormone balance standpoint, they couldn’t be more different. Dr. Anna Garrett June 26, 2019 Blog.