The Seder begins in this manner to demonstrate that we were once slaves in Egypt and carried heavy burdens on our heads.Passover bread made and eaten first by the Jews in pre-Inquisition Spain and later on by Mexicans and Mexican Americans along the Texas border. As an Italian Jew I...Stay connected to Rabbi Barbara by signing up for her monthly newsletter below.Sephardi and Ashkenazi Jews – What’s the Difference?There is a division within the Jewish community that began thousands of years ago and continues to this day. When all the plagues have been repeated, the matriarch of the family would take the tin can out into the farthest part of the yard, pour the wine into the ground and say in a loud whisper, “May this go to all of our enemies and haters. The plate is then passed from person to person around the table – held for a moment on each head by a family member. We loved our tour of the town, our exceptional dinner celebration and the hotel staff couldn’t have been more accommodating. Count me in! I will carry your words with me forever.“It was such an amazing experience. Sweet and savory flavors—a hallmark of Moroccan food—combine in this dish. These foods are kosher for Passover in keeping with Sephardi traditions, and include kitniyot (legumes, rice, etc.). Sephardi charoset is often made with dates as the staple (in Ashkenazi homes the staple is apple) because the color of the dates is similar to the color of mortar. is considered kosher for Pesach by Sephardi Jews. “Anousim” is the Hebrew word for “the forced ones,” and Sephardic Jews who are also anousim are Jews whose roots include having been forced into Christian practice – called “marranos,” — or those who took their Jewish practices into hiding – “crypto Jews.” Interestingly, the word “marranos” is not a Spanish word but a Portuguese one, and a word which is no longer appropriate among many Sephardim. But as we work to broaden Jewish Continuity and Identity, it is more helpful to focus on those things that unite us rather than those that divide us. Artichokes and leek soup are another favorite. Now that my kids are old enough to refuse food—the elder, with her words, the younger, by throwing it at me or on the floor—I’m going to need some kid-friendly Passover food. For a list that does not include recipes with kitniyot, please go here. The following are not considered Kitniyot, but may require special checking: Anise. “But once they have eaten a boreka, a boviko, a bolema or a mostachudo, or any of the marvelous vegetable and meat dishes of this tradition, they are very unlikely to forget this part of their cultural past.”People who are interested in finding out more about Vijitas de Alhad should contact Leon Taranto: vah, considered to be one of the best cooks among the group, contributed bulemas ispanakli, phyllo-dough borek filled with spinach that are rolled into a spiral. It comes from the Ladino (the language of the Sephardi that is a mix of Spanish and Hebrew) and although it means “swine” in Spanish, the word “marranos” in Portuguese often means “coerced one,” and comes from the Hebrew word “anous” which has the same meaning.Seder traditions for us are an collection of practices that are Sephardic in origin, but for many of us these practices have grown and changed because they were practiced underground in either maranno or crypto-Jewish households. At that point, the Segals had to direct dishes to a seconKeep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. Pringle-style baked and stacked chips will add variety to your Passover snack collection. Iraqi and Kurdistani Jews begin the seder with a dramatic dialogue. She confirmed as much.Eighty-nine-year-old Jagoda of Alexandria is the lively spirit and founder of the group. I resonate with every word that you said, and my entire family feels the same way. Revah used to make yogurt when her husband was still alive; he would drink a full glass every night before bedtime.