Vitamin K1 is also known as phylloquinone, while K2 is known as menaquinone.
I’ve also read that eggs from grass fed chickens have around 37 mcg per 100g of egg. Innovix Labs and its logo are trademarks of Innovix Pharma Inc.Your first recurring shipment will be mailed right away. Since Vitamin K1 is readily available and is recycled by the body, there is little reason to supplement with Vitamin K1.It may seem surprising, but the following foods are all virtually free of Vitamin K2:The best sources of Vitamin K1 are leafy green vegetables. Since vitamin K2 is fat-soluble, low-fat cream cheese will contain lower amounts of the vitamin.Cream cheese tastes delicious as a topping on food, and in recent years it has been a popular rice substitute for making low-carb sushi rolls.According to the USDA’s Food Composite database, cooked salami provides 28 mcg of vitamin K2 per 100 grams (Salami is a fermented and air-dried cured sausage made with beef and pork.Since salami shares much of the same nutritional profile as meat, it is a source of the menaquinone-4 type of the vitamin.Salami also provides a high amount of protein, selenium, zinc, and B vitamins (Butter may not be the most nutrient-dense of foods, but it does provide several fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamin A, D, and K2.The USDA Food Database shows that butter contains 20.9 mcg per 100 grams (Since butter is a concentrated dairy fat, opting for a product sourced from grass-fed cows will offer the most vitamin K2.Fatty cuts of meat are one of the best sources for vitamin K2, and pork sausages are no exception.Per 100 grams, pork sausages offer around 22.5 mcg of menaquinone-4 (Bear in mind that sausages with a high pork meat/fat content are preferable; cheaper processed sausages with numerous additives won’t offer the same benefits.For a traditional cooked breakfast, combining some sausages with a cheese omelet could really increase the menaquinone content.Chicken is a good source of vitamin K2, and darker meat offers more fat and a higher concentration of the vitamin.Among the various cuts of chicken, wings are one of the best.One hundred grams of chicken wings, including skin, provides around 25.3 mcg of menaquinone-4 (Chicken skin also offers a rare concentrated source of dietary glycine, which may offer numerous health benefits (Chicken thigh is another source of dark, fatty meat rich in vitamin K2. The value of vitamin K3 in animal nutrition may be derived, in part, from its role as a bacterial growth factor [12–14], where it is converted into vitamin K2 . So where else can we find K2 in order to boost our dietary intake of this necessary yet elusive vitamin?Butter is certainly not the enemy we’ve been brought up to believe it is, in fact it’s a rich source of brain-loving satiating and natural fats, Vitamins A and D, and of course vitamin K2 - containing 14.5mcg of K2 per 100g serve. 9 Unlike MK-4, MK-7 is not stored in any organs. The reason for this is because the amount of vitamin K2 in food heavily depends on the diet of the animal (for animal foods).With plant foods, the type and amount of bacterial strains used for fermentation influence the available vitamin K2 content.In this article, we present 20 of the top foods high in vitamin K2. It smells like dirty socks and feels gooey and slippery in your mouth.
Vitamin K2, otherwise known as menaquinone, is an essential vitamin that has some Firstly, we can find vitamin K2 in animal foods (menaquinone-4) and certain plant foods (usually menaquinone-7) that have undergone a fermentation process.Unfortunately, quantifying the amount of vitamin K2 in a specific food is incredibly difficult. Vitamin K2 is important for bone, heart, and brain health.We focus on K2 instead of K1 because K1 is very easy to get. There are two different forms: Vitamin K1, found predominantly in green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale, broccoli and vitamin K2 found in meat, eggs, dairy and fermented foods such as … Vitamin K1 is even found in French fries and nachos, but K2-rich foods are much harder to find. He used to call vitamin K2 “activator X” before it was officially discovered/had a name.Please can you tell me the K2 content of skinless chicken thighs. Consider taking a Vitamin K2 supplement.Fruits, nuts, legumes, and grains do not contain Vitamin K2. It is popular in some parts of Europe, but it's an acquired taste.Natto (fermented soybeans) is revolting to most Americans. K2 is not the same thing as K1 that you find in a lot of healthy vegetables however the body is able to gain some K2 from K1 by bacteria in your system converting it. Something that I found annoying about the first google search on K2, it’s how the first link does not recommend pork meats, sausages, even beef liver, and I’m starting to think that it’s due to it’s high saturated fat content?